With all of the information floating around out there about health, nutrition, fitness and a healthy pregnancy, it can become difficult to determine (or remember) what is best for you and your little one while you are expecting.
Fortunately, Deirdre Dolan and Alexandra Zissu, two ladies who have been there before, have compiled a thorough resource for moms to be. Going a step beyond traditional “eat this during this trimester” advice Dolan and Zissu detail everything that can affect your unborn child’s health, from why organic matters to the coffee you drink to what you store your leftovers in. Even your hair dye and fingernail polish are topics of conversation. If it matters to the health of your fetus, they’re talking about it.
Fortunately, Deirdre Dolan and Alexandra Zissu, two ladies who have been there before, have compiled a thorough resource for moms to be. Going a step beyond traditional “eat this during this trimester” advice Dolan and Zissu detail everything that can affect your unborn child’s health, from why organic matters to the coffee you drink to what you store your leftovers in. Even your hair dye and fingernail polish are topics of conversation. If it matters to the health of your fetus, they’re talking about it.
One of the most helpful and unique things about this book is the essays and personal accounts provided throughout it, that link advice to practical application, and make soon-to-be moms and dads feel like they have an ally in those who have faced what they are going through before.
Of course, if you’re the type of person who finds themselves worrying to a point that is more hurtful than helpful, this book might not be for you. It would be pretty much impossible to stick to every guideline that this book provides, so if you can’t read without worrying, either stick to the chapters that you can implement or find a less comprehensive guide.
Dolan and Zissu provide multiple delicious, gourmet recipes, including this one for pickled okra, that Caribbean folklore rumors helps a slow-moving baby come on:
Pickled Okra
From Peter Hoffman, chef of Savoy Restaurant in New York City
- 1 pound small okra pods (cut off any darkened stems but leave whole)
- 3 cloves garlic, halved
- 1 cup cider vinegar
- 1 cup rice vinegar
- 1 cup water
- 3 tablespoons kosher salt
- ½ teaspoon dried red pepper flakes
- 2 teaspoons mustard seeds
- 1 teaspoon dill seeds
- Pack three 1-pint canning jars with the okra vertical and alternating stems and tips.
- Put a halved garlic clove in each jar as well.
- In a nonreactive metal pot, bring the liquids to a boil. Add the salt and spices.
- Allow to steep for 20 minutes.
- Fill the jars with the liquid to within 1 inch of the rims.
- Wipe the rims and put on the lids.
- Put the glass jars on a rack in a deep kettle and cover with hot water by 2 inches.
- Bring to a boil, cover, and boil for 10 minutes.
- Remove the jars from the bath and leave to cool.
- Let the pickles mellow for 2 weeks minimum before tasting. Best at 1 month.
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